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Anthony enjoys sharing his expertise with the next generation of lighting designers, programmers and electricians. With experience in lighting design for theatre, opera and dance; Anthony brings his professional experience to undergraduates and postgraduates alike.


In addition to sessions for theatre practitioners, Anthony also has experience teaching those in academic and creative-related fields. He believes that an academic and theoretical understanding of the performing arts is best developed alongside practice-based research.


As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Anthony understands the importance of delivering high quality teaching that meets the higher education Professional Standards Framework. Anthony has a student centred approach to teaching that values the diversity of his students.

Anthony regularly speaks at primary and secondary schools about light, theatre and careers in Technical Theatre Arts, and the creative sectors more broadly.


As a guest lecturer at the Australian National University and Mountview Academy, combined with his daily teaching at RADA, has honed Anthony's teaching style, making him a great fit for your students.

A woman watches a birds nest get engulfed in flame in the play of The Woods at the Royal Court Theatre with Lighting Design by Anthony Arblaster

The Woods by Robert Alan Evans | Director: Lucy Morison | Design: Naomi Dawson | Sound & Music: Tom Gibbons | Royal Court | Jerwood Theatre Upstairs | Photo: Manual Harlan | Leslie Sharp

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King Lear by William Shakespeare | Director: Rachael Valentine Smith | Designer: TK Hay | RADA | Jerwood Vanburgh Theatre | Photo: Linda Carter | Raphel Famotibe

King Lear by William Shakespeare | Dir. Rachael Valentine Smith | Design: TK Hay | RADA | Jerwood Vanburgh Theatre | Photo: Linda Carter |Raphel Famotibe

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